See faster gains from your therapy efforts with customizable, online learning


Simplified, practical and affordable personal development classes. 


Whole-brain strengthening | Relational enhancement tools | Sustainable pattern change
Long-term anxiety relief | Healthy Communication skills | Core Values
Start Learning Now!

"The internet is filled with a lot of confusing information about personal growth, trauma healing and what it takes to overcome anxiety. Plus, most people are only getting therapeutic support 1-2x a month. Where do you go when you just want simplified explanations, practical therapy tools and supportive learning that you can work on at home in-between therapy sessions? You found it." - Jen Stover, Founder


The Human Infusion Project supports clients working hard to overcome anxiety and the therapeutic practitioners that support them, by offering simplified, practical and affordable online classes that can be customized and used at home in between sessions. This in-between session support fosters consistent participation, expedites progress and leaves that precious therapy hour free for deeper, interpersonal work.   Through relatable story-telling and powerful analogy, our short-segment, easy-to-understand classes help accelerate client progress by:

  • ..they provide a daily change and empowerment routine that can be customized to meet individual needs, as well as each practitioners preferred therapy approach. (coming this summer)

    Start accelerating your healing progress at home, on your schedule! 

     Jen Stover - founder the Human Infusion Project

Jen Stover - Neuroscience-based educator, neurophysical rehab specialist, personal growth strategist, pattern change practitioner, founder - the Human Infusion Project





Even though I’m not a therapist, a lab researcher or classically trained teacher (and maybe because I’m not ), people working on relational repair or personal growth come to me when they want a simplified, practical understanding of some of the more complex material"

After burning out in my healthcare career in and nearly walking away from my marriage in 2015, I reached out for professional support. And because of my professional background and love of science, I also began studying and self-applying the latest brain research and psychological insights related to emotional nervous system development and high-functioning anxiety. I was determined to discover the connection between emotional well-being and how we behave and interact in our relationships. I had excellent guidance from professional therapists throughout the process. But I only saw them 1-2x a month. 

So to accelerate my progress, I also committed to my own curated program in between those bi-monthly sessions. That's when I started seeing the most profound and lasting return on my time and effort. And I started getting more out of my therapy sessions.

Like any healthy relationship, the success of a client-therapist relationship depends in large part, on consistent, individual work by the client (and sometimes the therapist too!) . So in 2020, the Human Infusion Project initially started simply as a blog. I wanted to provide a practical, user-friendly synopsis of what I learned from top researchers, psychologists and spiritual leaders about making my work actually stick, and what I did to get long-term anxiety relief. Then when I started creating online presentations, I decided to do it in a way that people from a variety of income levels and educational backgrounds could understand quickly and use at on their own, at home, like I did.

Of course, I still heavily advocate for professional, skilled, therapeutic support as finances responsibly allow. And I also believe that although 'change' work does take effort and support and human beings are complex, the foundational elements for decreasing anxiety and creating lasting calm, confidence and connection, are not always as complicated as it’s sometimes made out to be. There's a lot we can do ourselves. And that's what I share with you here.




Change and growth is hard.

But it's not always as complicated as we think it is.



Who is the Human Infusion Project for?

  • Determined, growth-minded people working through chronic anxiety or stress, but whose limited financial resources only allow for therapeutic support a few times a month. And...


  • Therapeutic practitioners and seasoned clinicians wanting to augment their clients progress with a creative, simplified and complementary resource that clients can learn from in between sessions. That way your client is more consistent with their work at home and you can spend that therapy hour focused on what you do best: skilled, interpersonal guidance!

    In other words...
    the Human Infusion Project supports both the client and the therapeutic practitioner!


What we believe

The Human Infusion Project believes that everyone deserves to learn how to create calm, confident and connected relationships. And access to deeply enriching mental wellness education should not be determined by where you live or how much money you make.

Come join us!

Everyone in the Human Infusion Project community learns the simplified, practical, foundational aspects of pattern change, sustainable emotional nervous system development, whole-brain strengthening and relational growth – all without needing to attend expensive 'guru' seminars, take high-level academic courses or being stressed out about more financial investment.

And by learning and practicing in between your therapy sessions, you'll get more out of the time and money that you do spend on it.

Plus as a bonus, you’ll be helping others do the same.

(Read about how your class purchase or contribution supports the annual Wellness Assistance Grant here)



Jen Stover

Neuroscience-based online educator, neuro-physical rehab specialist, personal growth strategist, pattern change practitioner, founder - the Human Infusion Project

Everyone deserves the opportunity to create the life they want. But often complex academic language and the rising costs of personal development block many people from getting the basic wellness education they need to do it. THE HUMAN INFUSION PROJECT is a value-driven educational resource that uses a functional blend of practical brain science, applied psychology and spiritual philosophy to show you what it takes to break unwanted patterns, recalibrate your stress response system, strengthen your whole brain and reconnect to your core values. That way, you can create the integrated life that comprehensively reflects what it means to be YOU.

As a dedicated practitioner and ‘pattern bagger’ myself, my goal is for THE HUMAN INFUSION PROJECT to share affordable, practical knowledge in non-academic language, and offer my experience, education and perspective in ways that are useful in your own life. I make every presentation memorable by using conversational, relatable delivery, powerful images and actionable, thought-provoking content.

Find out more



BRAIN FUNCTION -What most people get wrong about Emotional Intelligence, what self-regulation actually means and which areas of the brain need strengthening to improve it

STRESS RESPONSE - What healthy stress response and trauma response look like in the body, how both can impact who we choose as partners, and how we can facilitate change

PATTERN FORMATIONHow unwanted thought and behavior patterns are created and perpetuated by the brain, where we can interrupt them, and how to introduce new patterns that improve your relationships 

THE CHANGE PROCESS -What it takes to fully access your whole brain and become more centered, confident and connected. And how to effectively showcase who you really are at heart through your work, skills and relationships

PRACTICAL STRATEGIES - throughout the course, using relatable, everyday examples, Jen provides useful tips and simple strategies that you can start implementing right away.

Join The Connection Depot!


The Connection Depot is a community that values simplicity and believes in the power of being fully human in our relationships. Each month, I share ways that helped me  foster calm, confidence, and connection in myself, and in my own relationships. I'd love to have you join us! We're a rapidly growing community of people who cherish being human and who are cultivating the life and relationships we really want. 

Begin today